If You Want A Winning Game Plan So You Can Get Her Back Without Making Mistakes, Then Read Everything On This Page To See How We're Gonna Do This.
This Is A 4-Week Online Bootcamp With Hands-on Training, Live Coaching, And A Classified Modulated Course So You Can Get Your Ex Back Using State Control System In The Next 30 Days.
Watch This Video Before You Go Further
This is everything you need, all in 1 place. This means a complete war-map plus INSTANT answers to your questions about your ex and what you need to do to get her back.
Instead of paying $500-$1000 an hour to fancy coaches who push you to do "No Contact" and keep charging you per session, or wasting time on $47 programs, here, you will get AFFORDABLE and premium coaching for a complete 4 week period.
You won't get coaching by just another "Youtube relationship guru with no credentials". As a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach (from Tony Robbins' Cloe Madanes Training Center), I will personally guide you through your breakup with tools, resources, and strategies, so that you can heal, recover, and get your ex back.
To implement State Control, I will personally develop a custom strategy for your specific situation! This is not a 1 size fit all "No Contact". Most guys who come to me have wasted days, weeks, and even months waiting in "No Contact". Every situation requires a different approach!
Due to ridiculously high demand and the limited number of hours in a day, what you see on this page is an extremely limited offer.
Make Up for The Begging & Pleadings, Get Her To Forgive You & Forget About Any Other Guys In Her Life
Break Free From The Anxiety & Terror Of Separation
Resolve Arguments, Fights, And Get Her To Date You Again Without Rejecting You
Ex-Back Master Plan™ is a 4-week “online” and confidential coaching program with live calls & personal training. It shows you how to get your ex back using the State Control Method.
Who Is This For You?
If your marriage or relationship ended (or you feel it might end soon), and you want things to go back to the way they were, then this is for you.
Where Does It Happen?
Ex-Back Master Plan course is online and consists of training videos, tools, live Coaching calls. You complete it online, on your own time.
How Does It Work?
You watch the videos, complete the action items, use the provided tools and templates. Ask questions on the calls (or other simple ways), follow the process, get results.
When Does It Start?
Ex-Back Master Plan is an online course, it starts the moment you enroll. You can complete it in your own time and work through it as fast or slow as you wish. You get lifetime access.
Why Does It Exist?
I created this coaching program because there was nothing that showed us guys how to stop a breakup or divorce. I filled that void and in extreme detail.
Why Did I Create This Program?
# 1: Everyone says "No Contact" is the right thing to do. That's just terrible advice! She didn't leave because she needed "No Contact"! She left because of certain issues that are still an issue and she won't return until they are resolved. In addition, if you stay away, she will take it as a sign that you do not want to be with her or that you are too weak to deal with problems.
#2 - She will not come back to you if you are desperate, sad, or afraid of losing her. All of that makes her avoid you. You need to take care of your negative emotions immediately.
#3 - If you are clueless and don't have a plan for dealing with the situation, she will refuse to return. You need to have a clear plan.
You're under extreme emotional pressure. You must make difficult decisions and you have blind spots that no one tells you about. You need someone to walk you through this period until you get back on your feet. People either don't understand the sensitive nature of your situation or don't want to hurt your feelings, so they don't give you honest feedback or advice.
#5 - Most guys who lose their woman, they just don't know what to do! So they keep banging their heads against the wall and end up in the cycle of terror! Let me ask you for example:
Do you know what to text her next?
Do you know what to do if she doesn’t write back to you?
Do you know how to bring up the “us” talk again without pissing her off?
These are all valid questions and have answers you must know to be able to get her back. We cover these in extreme details in the program along with live coaching calls since every case is different.
State Control System
And How It Will Help You Get Your Ex Back
If you want to get your ex back by waiting in "no-contact," it is similar to going to a nuclear war and hoping that you can win by throwing punches.
State Control Is A Fast, Reliable, And Proven Way Of Re-Building Attraction, Trust, And Getting Her Back. Watch this video to learn how.
The Reason She Doesn't Want To Be With You Right Now And Why "Waiting" Will Only Waste Your Time Is Because You’ve Lost The Power And Control... Control Of Yourself And The Dynamics Between The Two Of You... And That Killed The Attraction!
This Means You Somehow Acted Weak, Feminine, And Murdered Her Attraction And/Or The Trust She Used To Have In You.
In order to get her back, you will have to rebuild attraction and/or trust again, and you will have to do it step by step without ever acting weak. Don't wait until it's too late. You should take your emotions under control before approaching her with a battle plan. Here's how you can get started:
If you want her back, you have to re-build attraction and/or trust with her again!
To do so you must take the control back otherwise you will continue to react irrationally and lose her forever.
Remember these three:
- She won't return just because you're miserable or beg for her.
- She won't come back just because you sit back and wait with no communication.
- She won't come back just because you have a couple of kids together!
She needs to know that you’re the guy she could lean on! Not a clueless guy who can't even take care of himself... stuck waiting because he has no idea what to do.
You just like every other guy who is going through a reparation have 2 choices:
#1 - Rot in "No Contact" and wait for her to tell you what to do.
#2 - Take control of this breakup, of "how you think-feel", and "the dynamic between the two of you" so you can get her back systematically.
You Can Implement State Control In The Next 4 Weeks And Get Her To Come Back To You On Her Own Will.
To Do So You Have To Hit 4 Milestones.
Milestone 1 - Prepare
- Stop screwing up your chances until you know what you need to do.
- Stop being that "guy who doesn’t get it".
- Plan it in details. Stop doing random things. You MUST follow the Ex-Back blueprint to setup your warmap.
Milestone 2 - Taking Inner Control
Wipe traces of "Emotional weakness, Feminine behaviour, Indecisiveness, Insecurity, Passive behaviour, Neediness, Anger, Sadness, Jealousy, Regret, Hate, Butthurt and Guilt".
Milestone 3 - Taking Outer Control
Take control of the dynamics between the two of you.
This includes all your texts as well as all your communications with her, so that you can get her attention again.
You need to VERY QUICKLY learn how to communicate with her better than any other guy she meets.
- As a boss, assertive,
- Fully non-reactive,
- Willing to walk away and be fine without her,
- Not in the least needy!
To apply that you must learn advanced frame control and micro-calibration.
Milestone 4 - Engagement & Transitioning Into A New Relationship
Finally, once all 3 previous milestones have been reached, you engage and transition into a new relationship. This is when everything comes together.
I’ll show you in a minute how to do this in the next 30 days!
How Can YOU Implement State Control To Your Situation And Get Your Ex Back Before It's Too Late?
State Control Implementation Bootcamp!
Ex-Back Master Plan
Program Content, The Components, Course Calendar, And The Curriculum
This Is Not A Typical "Bullshit $47 Course" With An Ebook & A Bunch Of Irrelevant Info Dump Videos! This Is Your 30-Day Action Plan With Detailed Day-By-Day Walk Through So You Can Get Out Of This Mess And Save Your Relationship From Real-World Divorce Or Breakup.
If Your Application Gets Approved, You Can Attend From The Seat That You Are Sitting At Right Now.
Here's A Summary Of Everything You Will Get If I See I Can Help You & If Your Application Goes Through
Your 30-Day Battle Plan & Roadmaps So You Know What To Do Everyday Without Feeling Lost, Weak, Or Confused.
The Entire State Control System That I Myself Used And Got My Ex Brook Back And Also I Have Taught It To Several 100 Guys Before You Who Successfully Got Fantastic Results.
+100 Essential Videos So You Can Get Results Step-By-Step, All Organised In 1 Place Inside A Secured Members' Area. no More Searching Aimlessly.
Exclusive 1 on 1 Coaching Sessions So You Get Support And Answer To Your Questions Answered Every Week.
The Exact Text Messages She Wants You To Send Her So You Get Her Back Without Coming Off Needy Or Week.
Everything You Need To Tell Her That Will Turn Her Attention Back To You And Cause Her To Begin To Obsessively Thinking About You Again.
A Deep Dive Into How To Overcome Anxiety, Fear, Doubt, Jealousy, Anger, Insecurity, And Thoughts That Torment You And May Even Keep You Awake At Nights.
Ex-Back Assignments, Daily Worksheets, And Action Items.
All Blueprints With Video Tutorials So You Learn How To Make Up For The Begging And Mistakes You Might Have Made And Rebuild Attraction With Her Again.
And A LOT More (Ex-Back Essential Toolbox)
Your 4-Week Ex Back Master Plan
Because the most important thing to get her back is
#1 Knowing what you’re doing.
#2 Avoid doing ANYTHING randomly.
#3 NOT waiting for her to tell you what to do.
In the onboarding section, we will discuss the laws of getting your ex back, how to plan, and how to move forward quickly.
Once a clear understanding is established we get to work on the foundations of taking inner control.
A full overview of the program and the core parts we focus on to get results. This section is extremely important to understand the road ahead.
Here's what we cover:
General housekeeping and how to get the most out of the program
Overview of what the program is all about and what we're going to cover
Your 30 day plan
Your "foundations" and why the success of your relationship structurally depends on them
Things you must immediately stop doing
How to think once she’s gone
How to quickly spark positive emotions when you feel down
The 15 commandments of getting your ex back
26 rules of success with any woman
Post breakup frame
Week 1 - Garbage Out
At this point, whatever you do will be done from a position of weakness and scarcity and so it will fail. Your insecurity will cause you to make mistakes and push her away because you are scared of losing her. The first step is to let go of your negative thoughts and emotions so you can open space for new beliefs, strategies, and practices to re-attract her.
Day 1 30-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 25 Minute For The Assignment
Day 2 28-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute For The Assignment
Day 3 15-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute For The Assignment And The Tool
Day 4 25-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute For The Assignment And 10 Minutes For The Ice Bucket
Day 5 15-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute For The Letter And 5 Minutes For The Punching
Day 6 25-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute To Write The Lists And 15 Minutes For The Unplug
Week 2 - Beast Mode
If you aren't mentally strong enough, you won't be able to implement ex-back strategies & techniques. We need to strengthen your mental capacity and boost your confidence so that you can use it effectively. No more Mr.Nice guy, no more being a doormat, no more tolerating bad behavior.
Day 8 22-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 20 Minute For The Assignment
You can do everything with fear and anxiety or confidence and conviction. Here you’ll learn the greatest mindset you need to have to get her back.
Today's assignment is to do that thing you never thought you'd be able to do. I'll show you how to utilize the breakup force to shift your life today. Her jaw will drop when she hears that you are doing this.
Do not negotiate with your mind. I’ll show you an instant method to wake up every morning feeling ecstatic instead of miserable and sad.
Day 9 25-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 15 Minute For The Assignment And 15 Minute For The Mindfulness Recording
This is how you start to attract her and get her back. Put a leash on your mind or it will take control! Unless you choose your thoughts and assumptions, they will always lead to terror and nightmares. Here’s how to control it.
Today's assignment is to gain more power by focusing on one aspect of your life. Do this and in a few days, you’ll feel a heavyweight was lifting off your shoulders.
Today we have 6 powerful mindfulness recordings that will give you inner peace and develop outer strength. This is how you can go beast mode.
Day 10 25-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 10 Minute For The Assignment And 5 Minute To Read The Guilt Buster Document
The next demons we must release is guilt and regret. I’ve seen men commit suicide because they can’t deal with their past. Today I will show you forgiveness and how to let go.
We are in a psychological battle with your negative thoughts. We will do an exercise to release guilt, regret, and anger.
Whenever you feel hurt, guilt, or regret, do this daily exercise as a part of your daily practice. This is like being released from prison and free once more.
Day 11 20-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 30 Minute For The Assignment And 5 Minute To Go Through The Confidence Checklist
The #1 skill you need to be attractive to your ex. Without it she won’t respect you and will instead dislike you. Here I show you how to build a confident personality that will make your ex question why she broke up with you.
We will work on the invisible success killer that's holding you back from your ex.
The checklist will help you become more confident and charismatic in order to get ready for seeing your ex again.
Day 12 20-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 10 Minute For The Assignment And 10 Minute For The Vision Tool
A great cause of pain in breakup or divorce is misjudging “value”! Once you adjust this you’ll find power in your relationship with your ex.
What are your top 5 qualities as a guy and what makes you worthy? See… Most guys suffer from some sort of insecurity and find themselves unworthy! In this exercise, we’re gonna build a list of your values and why you are the worthy guy who can get her back.
The energy you put into anything dramatically affects your results. Getting your love back is the same. You're currently doing it with desperation and anxiety. I'm going to show you how to do it with confidence and power so you will get results fast
Day 13 18-Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 10 Minute For The Assignment And 10 Minute For The Vision Tool
Without a purpose, you’ll continue to suffer the breakup and so always have to fight for her back. With a clear purpose, your mind will build a wall around you and breakups become powerless against you.
Getting a kick out of your purpose and finding a purpose for you will help you come off attractive to her. Here are 2 ways to find your purpose.
Week 3 - Attraction And Dating
We're almost there! With the inner game out of the way, it's time to get your hands dirty and soon start approaching her.
From this point onward, I will be sending more material daily because we are getting close to week 4 where you should approach her.
Day 15 15 -Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 10 Minute For The Assignment - Read The Books As You Go
If you develop a certain mindset with women, you'll never be dumped again. Instead, you'll become and remain irresistible to them, and your relationships will be on your terms. Today you’ll learn that.
What does your perfect 10 looks like? How would your ex be if she was completely the way you wanted her to be both physically and emotionally?
Download and start reading these 2 books of mine to prepare for seeing her.
Day 16 15 -Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 20 Minute For The Assignment To Set Up Your Profiles And Use The Schedule to Follow Up
Your ex doesn't want you to wait at home for her. No one wants to be with a passive guy who waits like a puppy. I know, because I was once that guy. We need to practice attraction-building so you can use the new things you learn to re-attract your ex. All the things you missed with your ex, you’ll learn on real dates.
Today I'll teach you how to meet women within a few days using proven methods.
Day 17 Due To Texting Being An Important Elements Of The Program(You Are Going To Need To Know What To Do When Texting Her), This Is A Larger Section Than Other Parts, So Please Set Aside Chunks Of Time To Complete This And Take Things At Your Own Pace.
Regardless of what you want to have with her, and where you are with her right now...[either blocked or still living together], to get her back you’ll have to approach her through her phone at 1 point and there is a right way to it!
You’ll learn how to write effective text messages that she needs to see.
How to prepare your messages to send her.
Text validator.
You’ll get the blueprint and the exact real-life examples of the messages
So I am going to show you how to use advanced texting techniques and manage her emotions through text.
What to text
When to text
And what to do with certainty if she ignores or replies negatively.
What if you’re blocked
I’ll also show you openers
You’ll also get a library of real-life-examples,
Texting blueprints and how to use them to always write the right messages,
Ways to initiate contact,
Ways to transition to a date,
Plus I’ll give you text messages to copy and paste so she will say yes instead of another fight!
How to text her so she will reply to you positively and come out on the date with you instead of ignoring you.
You will learn how to write messages that make her miss you again and come out with you instead of another guy.
I’ll even provide you with templates so you never again have to wonder what to say to her, how to reply, or how long to wait before you say anything.
In addition, you can also get the entire text roadmap that guides you from the first message until you meet her.
Day 18 Understanding Attraction Is Also A Core Part Of The Program, It's A Significantly Longer Section Than Others, So Please Set Aside Time For It And Take It At Your Own Pace.
Today you’ll learn 14 Core Skills and qualities that attract your ex.
Worksheet to discover your personal attraction killer behaviors so you can stop them immediately.
Attraction Essentials
Awkward Silence Buster - 30 Min
Witty Conversation - 37 Min
Conversation Examples - 30 Min
The Structure - 20 Min
Power Of Comfort - 5 Min
Day 19 3 Hours And 15 Minutes Video To Watch
Without following a step-by-step blueprint the date can turn into a cycle of terror. Here is the ultimate date blueprint so you know what to do. This blueprint is exactly that. Like Google maps, it shows you what you should say next and where you can take the interaction next.
What to do after the first date again
A toolbox full of useful tricks to use on the dates
Here I’ll explain how you can get yourself ready for when you see your ex again. This blueprint will serve you well for the rest of your life. Master this blueprint and the kiss test in the tools section after this if you don't want to ever get rejected by a woman.
The kiss test so you’ll never get rejected again when going for the kiss
Day 20 22 Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 10 Minute For The Assignment
Detailed instructions on what you should do when you go home together
Worksheet to develop three solid escalation routines that fit your personality and that don't raise objections
Learn how to turn her on the fly instead of boring her with average conversation. This is a bridge to a romantic relationship with her again.
Week 4 - Engagement & Transitioning Into A New Relationship
In week 4, we'll discuss how to approach her.
First, we will discuss if the two of you are compatible so that you don’t waste your and her time. Next, we discuss ex-back frames because if you approach with a weak frame she won't say yes. Then, we talk about the situation where you have been blocked. Next, we discuss how and when to initiate contact again.
After that, I will teach you how to act around her, think, and be confident so she won't dominate the interaction. You'll learn how to lead and how to bring up the us talk at the right time in the right way.
Day 22 25 -Minutes Video To Watch + Set aside 25 Minute For The Assignment - Read The Red Alert List (15 minutes)
Reality check. We need to see things for what they really are. There's a chance you and her are not a perfect match and even if you reunite, the issues will remain. Let's discuss it here.
You can make an honest assessment of your compatibility with your ex without anyone watching, and this brings a great deal of clarity about what to do next.
In addition, you will receive a Red Alert list that shows what to avoid at all costs.
Day 23 35-Minutes Video To Watch + 15 Minutes For Assignment - Print Interactions Hack
How to be and act around your ex so that instead of making yourself appear weak and needy, you come off as strong, kind, and attractive without being naughty.
Today’s worksheet will allow you to reframe the situation and approach the breakup from a position of power and strength, not of weakness and doubt.
Today you will learn the interaction hack and shortcut to fully dominating conversations with your ex in a way that she will find you irresistible.
Day 24 23-Minutes Video To Watch + 15 Minutes For Assignment - Print The Black List
What will you do if you're blocked? In this section, we'll go over that in-depth and show you what needs to be done.
You can use this worksheet to handle guilt, regret, sadness, and other draining emotions.
This is what to stop immediately so you won’t screw up your chances with your ex. Previously we talked about some of them
Day 26 15-Minutes Video To Watch + 15 Minutes For The Assignment
The checklist and how to begin communicating with your ex.
We prepare your first message, the bridge, and the rest of the communication to establish contact with her.
No tool for today
Day 27 15-Minutes Video To Watch + 15 Minutes For The Assignment
How to bring up the topic of us without getting rejected. Most guys don't bring it up until it's too late.
Here we prepare your dialogue and how you will bring up the us talk. Remember, the one who is emotionally attached less (and more outcome detached) will end up with what they want.
You’re going to learn how to avoid relapsing. Emotions are the currency of your interactions with her, here you’ll learn how to save your chips.
Course Calendar
The Program Consists Of Four Milestones That Each Take 1-2 Weeks To Complete
Week 1 | |||
Day | Concept | Implementation | Tool |
1 | Why She Left | Triggers Worksheet | Pain Release Ritual |
2 | Thought Combat | WCS Worksheet | Thought Combat Tool |
3 | Taking Back Control | "Never Again" List | Those Mantras |
4 | Inner Resilience | 7 Day Challenge | The Ice Bucket |
5 | Emotional Waves | The Breakup Letter | The Punching Doll |
6 | That Pedestal | The Truth Lists | Cross Today Off |
7 | Catch Up Day | Review | Feedback |
Week 2 | |||
Day | Concept | Implementation | Tool |
8 | Going Fearless | Your Freedom | Roll Out Of The Bed |
9 | Despair Blocker | Gratitudes? Why? | Unplug |
10 | Forgiving Your Ex | Guilt Buster | Forgiveness |
11 | Confidence Pillars | Confidence Builders | CB Checklist |
12 | Your Standards | Your Values List | Vision Board |
13 | The Purpose | Purpose Exercise | |
14 | Catch Up Day | Review | Feedback |
Week 3 | |||
Day | Concept | Implementation | Tool |
15 | Fundamentals | Your Perfect 10 | Attract Book |
16 | How to Get Dates | Getting Dates | |
17 | Texting | Customized Messages | Text Validator |
18 | Attraction | Attraction Killer | List Of AK |
19 | Date Blueprint | DB Worksheet | The Kiss Test |
20 | When You Pull | Escalation Routines | Fast Arousal |
21 | Catch Up Day | Review | Feedback |
Week 4 | |||
Day | Concept | Implementation | Tool |
22 | Reality Check | Should You Get Back? | Red Alert List |
23 | Ex Back Frame | Positive Perspective | Interaction Hacks |
24 | Blocked? | Next 30 Days | The Blacklist |
25 | How to Initiate Contact | Preparing Messages | Her Tests |
26 | Advanced Framing | Before Dates | Date Ideas |
27 | The 'Us Talk' | Preparation | Relapse Combat |
28 | Catch Up Day | Review | Feedback |
29 | Q&a | ||
30 | Q&a |
THE Ultimate Coaching Mega Vault
Getting Her Back Alone Is Just Not Possible. You Have Blind Spots, Flooded With Emotions, And The Margin For Error Is Just Too Narrow.
The Ultimate Texting Secrets
My job will not only be to teach you how to text her, but to also do the texting for you since you are under pressure and will find it hard to text her the right way. You can't find any service like this on the internet.
In a 3-day course you’ll learn
Everything You Need To Get Her Back All In One Place
You're Fully Covered!
You must get her to trust you again and see that you have changed without you telling her and there is a way to all of that!
By learning certain strategies and an attitude that appeals to her, you can build and maintain her interest.
I will give you an in-depth education that will explain how to do that step by step.
I have discretely documented the work I did with guys before you, and basically why certain couples got back together even after affairs and in other cases, they didn't so you can use other people's experiences and apply them to your situation and say.
It’s essential for you to watch because you need a new perspective to approach your ex
Essential Addons
She will ONLY give you a chance if she sees you have genuinely changed.
She won’t tolerate sadness, confusion, or any unattractive traits!
So I will show you how to use the breakup force for good, instead of just being miserable, build a lifestyle of abundance and joy so that she will question why she even left
I will show you
How to spend your days if you feel lonely, stressed, or sad.
How to find your purpose (She needs you to have a purpose).
How to make plan for what's coming your way in life.
How to meet new people and build a social circle so you can have new connections and options.
Gym workout programs + nutrition plans.
And the training I did that cost me thousands of dollars with trainers and years to learn so you can quickly boost your life within the next 2-8 weeks and make significant changes to your lifestyle so you wake up every morning full of energy, with a plan to go about your life.
She needs to see you’re doing well PERIOD! If she looks at you and sees you are living like a sad miserable man and can’t even take care of yourself, then she would never come back! So start implementing everything I show you here!
Here Is EVERYTHING You Get When You Sign Up
+100 Videos, Confidential Coaching Calls, Plus All The Programs Listed Above
The Complete State Control Coaching Program
The Ultimate Coaching Mega Vault
Advanced Dating Master Class
Life Control Blueprint
Case Study Reports
Relationship Program
Super Bonus Pack
The Powerful 3-Step-Close Formula
30% Discount On 1-0n-1 Coaching Sessions
The Breakup First Aid Kit
IMPORTANT - I Don't Offer To Sell You Anything Here On This Page.
My schedule is extremely tight and I can only sign up a very limited number of guys that I know I can help.
First of all, there are just not enough spots. Right now, I can speak only to 1 or 2, or maximum 3 guys that are potentially qualified to join the program today and start in the next 24 hours.
I'm only going to have time for a limited number of guys since we have to do the coaching calls and other trainings.
Secondly I am extremely picky about who I choose to work with. There are cases I won't work with.
If you are willing to implement
If you are committed to doing the work
If you want me to show you what to do so you don't make any more mistakes
If you want the complete system and everything you see on this page
If you truly believe your ex and your relationship is worth the investment
Fill the form below. I receive your request on my phone instantly. I'll message you and we choose a time when we can have a quick 5-10 minute chat.
That way we can make sure this is the right thing for you and we can work together.
If I see it's a match and I can help you, then fantastic. I will send you the links and show you how you can get on board and start right away.
If it’s not a match, then no problem, no strings attached!
And yes, you will talk directly with me and not a middleman bullshit.
There are only a limited number of spots available. If you want to get her back contact me right now while this page is up and before someone else takes your place.
In case you're wondering, no I am not another random Youtube "guru".... I am a certified strategic intervention coach from Tony Robbins' Cloe Madanes Training Center and I am uniquely qualified to help you solve your problems and resolve internal and external conflicts so you can get results fast.
I will personally guide you through your breakup with tools, resources, and strategies so that you can heal, recover, and get your ex back. Ex Back Route can often be a source of interpersonal conflict and dilemma. I will provide you with consultations at the highest level so you can finish this journey successfully.
While there are no easy situations, with a proper system, you will achieve results
Claim Your Spot Before Someone Else Does
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you do the right thing!
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm signing up three more guys for the 4-week Confidential Coaching Program. This program includes live calls, tools, and hands-on training that shows you how to get your ex back using State Control Method.
Read the details on this page and fill out the form above so we can have a quick chat. If I see I can get you results and we can work together, then you may sign up.
DISCLAIMER: If you have suicidal thoughts or are mentally unstable, do not enrol in this program. I am not a psychologist or a psychotherapist, and the advice I offer does not constitute psychiatric advice.
Sms or Whatsapp: +1 (516) 234-7249
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State Control System
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If you want to apply for State Control Implementation Coaching Program, message me now, mention your name, age, and email address.
SMS (516)234-7249
Whatsapp +1(516)234-7249
Looking forward to working with you.
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If you want to apply for State Control Implementation Coaching Program, message me now, mention your name, age, and email address.
SMS (516)234-7249
Whatsapp +1(516)234-7249
Looking forward to working with you.
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If you want to apply for State Control Implementation Coaching Program, message me now, mention your name, age, and email address.
SMS (516)234-7249
Whatsapp +1(516)234-7249
Looking forward to working with you.
Powered by KARTRA
If you want to apply for State Control Implementation Coaching Program, message me now, mention your name, age, and email address.
SMS (516)234-7249
Whatsapp +1(516)234-7249
Looking forward to working with you.
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